With so many costs involved, buying a home is likely to be one of your biggest expenses in life. Making sure you're aware of the different costs will help you budget and save up enough.
With so many different types of mortgages, lenders and deals, looking at mortgages can feel overwhelming. Getting advice from an independent mortgage broker can be a good idea.
With so many things to think about when you’re ready to move home, our helpful checklist can help make sure you don’t forget anything. Read our answers to these 7 common questions.
Find out more about buying your first home
Read our helpful guide to buying a home
Read about help available for first time buyers
Learn how fixed rate mortgages work
What is the maximum age by which my mortgage must be repaid?
What types of valuation are there?
What is a capital and interest mortgage?
What solicitors can I use for my mortgage application?
What types of property ownership are acceptable?
We understand how important managing your mortgage can be.
Support by phone
You can call us on 08000 288 288. (Call charges)
Lines are open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday.
What you can do over the phone:
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up with repayments on your mortgage
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