We've simplified our range of savings accounts by bringing all of our Britannia and Co-operative Bank accounts together under the single brand of The Co-operative Bank, and we’ll no longer be offering Britannia accounts.
By offering a simpler, more select range of accounts, we're aiming to make it easier for you to find the accounts which are ideal for you, and most suitable for your needs or circumstances.
Our co-operative values and ethics are fundamental to who we are. This is why we commit to standing up for causes that our customers care about.
Mobile and online banking lets you manage your money whenever and wherever you want; making life easier, and leaving you with more time to do the things you love. In addition to calling us or visiting any Co-operative Bank branch, you can now also manage your savings account via our mobile app or online. You’ll just need your account details and mobile number for verification.
Manage your savings, check your balances, transfer between accounts and review your statements.
Manage your savings account on the go, wherever you are. Transfer and view your balances 24/7.
The tables below show which Co-operative Bank account we have transferred you to, based on the account you had with Britannia, and a Summary of Changes document.
The Summary of Changes displays the key information and differences between your original Britannia account and your new Co-operative Bank account.
For up to date interest rates across our savings accounts, please see the following:
Interest rates for existing savings accounts
Interest rates for savings accounts that are no longer available to new savers
Find out more about your account, such as the interest rate, features and benefits.
If you've been transferred to our Fixed Term Deposit or Fixed Rate Cash ISA, you can refer to your welcome letter or statement to check your interest rate. You can also log onto online banking or the mobile app, visit us in branch or contact us.
If you’ve been transferred to our Future Fund or Smart Saver account, you can find more information on our savings accounts page.
If you’ve been transferred to our Select Access Saver 1, Cash ISA 2 or Cash ISA 3, you can find information about your interest rate on our interest rates page.
If you’ve been transferred to our Child Trust Fund or Matured Child Trust Fund, you can find more information on our Child Trust Funds page.
If you’ve been transferred to our Offset Saver account, you can find more information on our simplifying mortgages page.
The Co-operative Bank account gives you more options for managing your account. You can visit our branches, contact us by telephone or manage your account on the go, through online and mobile banking. You’ll also receive statements of all transactions, with the option of choosing to have paperless statements, with digital access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can find more information about the changes that will apply to you in the summary of changes tables by selecting the account you have with us.
No, when your account switches you’ll receive a new Co-operative Bank sort code and account number.
There are a number of ways to bank with us:
Register for Telephone Banking – You’ll need your new account number and sort code.
Call 03457 212 212 to request your 4 digit telephone banking security code. Lines are open 8am-6pm Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday. Call charges apply.
Register for Online Banking – A convenient and secure way to manage your money.
As well as being able to manage and transfer your money, you can download statements, update your personal details, access our help and support hub, message us and more. Find out more about online banking.
Register for the Mobile App – Our banking app is a quick and secure way to manage your money from your mobile phone.
Before you can use the app, you’ll need to register for online banking. This can be done within the app. For verification you’ll also need your mobile or email address. Find out more about mobile banking.
Visit one of our branches – Our branch colleagues can help with your everyday banking needs. Find a branch
If you think you had a Britannia account with us that you haven't used for a while, we can check to see if one exists. You don't need to give us an account number, though we will need some identification and additional information, like:
You can contact us by:
If we're unsuccessful in tracing a particular account, we'll assess the next steps we can take. Alternatively, you can visit the free 'my lost account' website where you can also get help tracing your lost accounts and savings.
Please note: if you have money in a lost or forgotten account, it will always be yours - no matter how old it is.
You’ll no longer need a passbook with a new Co-operative Bank account and your passbook can no longer be updated. You’ll have more options for managing your account: in our branches, by contacting us by telephone or on the go, through online and mobile banking. You’ll also receive statements of all transactions with the option of choosing to have paperless statements, with digital access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Yes, you can use any of our branches.
The details of how we process your personal data has not changed. If you're concerned about any personal data processing, you can refer to the privacy policy (PDF).
You can choose to close your account and transfer your money to an existing Co-operative Bank account with us, or to an account with another provider.
Britannia (as part of The Co-operative Bank plc) is part of the statute-backed Unclaimed Assets Scheme, who works to close inactive accounts and reunite customers with unclaimed funds.
If your Britannia account was classed as dormant and attempts to contact you failed, the balances may have been transferred to Reclaim Fund Ltd (RFL). This not-for-profit fund holds money from the dormant accounts (also known as unclaimed assets) of customers, then distributes it to good causes in the UK.
You have the right to reclaim your money after the funds have been sent to the Reclaim Fund. We retain customer records for dormant accounts, so all accounts reinstated will include any interest due. All transferred account money will still be covered by the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Any Britannia accounts that are transferred to the Co-operative Bank will no longer participate in the Unclaimed Assets Scheme.
You can request a statement for your savings account by calling us on 03457 212 212 call charges. We'll ask you to confirm your account number and some personal information.
Following the introduction of the Personal Savings Allowance on 6th April 2016, we pay interest without deducting income tax. If you earn more interest than the amount permitted as tax-free income, you’ll have to pay tax on the interest directly to HMRC.
If you need a statement detailing any interest paid since the 6th April 2016, please call 03457 212 212 call charges and we'll send a statement to your registered correspondence address.
Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.
Please note: Interest from Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) doesn’t count towards your Personal Savings Allowance because it’s already tax-free.
A Statement of Deduction of Tax (Section 975 Certificate) can be issued for interest paid and tax deducted prior to 6th April 2016. The certificate illustrates the gross amount of interest paid, tax deducted and the amount paid into your account.
If you need a certificate, please call us on the number above and we'll send one to your registered correspondence address.
For most products there will be no change to your interest rate as a result of the transfer of your account to The Co-operative Bank.
If your interest rate changed as a result of the transfer we will have communicated this to you in your notification letter.
You can view our current interest rates on the following pages:
Interest rates for existing savings accounts
Interest rates for savings accounts that are no longer available to new savers
IMPORTANT - If you had any payments made into your Britannia account, you’ll need to provide any person, company or any other Bank or Building Society paying into your account, with your new account details to avoid disruption with your payments.
The summary of transactions includes all transactions for your Britannia account since your passbook was last updated or since your last statement was issued. If you haven’t received a statement or had a passbook update in the last 12 months, then the summary of transactions will include transactions for the last 12 month period.
If your account was funded via Direct Debit, this will have ended when your account was transferred, as this feature is not available on Co-operative Bank accounts. The money should have been returned to the originator.
Your number of withdrawals was reset to 0 when we opened the new account.
Making deposits by debit card will no longer be possible, however you can make deposits by electronic transfer from another account held with us or another provider.
You can also deposit cash and cheques in any of our branches or by visiting any Post Office® in the UK where you can pay in cheques.
This account transfer does not affect your ISA subscriptions. You can save up to £20,000 in the current tax year and/or transfer in ISA allowances from previous tax years.
If you have not used your annual ISA allowance you can continue to pay into your cash ISA. However, if you haven’t paid any money into your ISA during a tax year, you’ll need to call us on 03457 212 212 (call charges apply) to refresh your ISA. Lines are open 8am - 6pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday. Call us from the UK and abroad. You can also send a secure message if you have registered for online banking. You may need to make a new declaration if you want to make a deposit in a different tax year.
Please note: this does not apply to fixed rate products.
We will continue to send you a letter when your fixed term is coming to an end. It’ll remind you of your maturity date and let you know what options are available to you (such as re-investing or withdrawing). When your account matures, we will transfer it to a variable rate instant access Smart Saver account unless you tell us otherwise.
We will continue to send you a letter when your fixed term is coming to an end. It’ll remind you of your maturity date and let you know what options are available to you (such as re-investing or withdrawing). When your account matures, we will transfer it to a variable rate instant access Co-operative Bank Cash ISA unless you tell us otherwise.
There is no change to the interest rate or term. The interest rate is fixed for the term chosen by you at account opening and will not change during the term.
You can find more information about the changes that will apply to you in the summary of changes tables by selecting the account you have with us.
There is no change to your maturity date. Your fixed rate account matures at the end of the term you chose at account opening.
Your balance, including any accrued interest minus any pending charges for withdrawals you have made on your Britannia Fixed Rate Cash ISA (if applicable), has been transferred to your new account. Your interest will continue to be paid annually and any interest transferred will be included in your next annual interest payment.
If your interest is paid annually there will be no change to when or how your interest is paid.
If your interest is paid monthly we aim to pay your monthly interest on the same date as you received it on your Britannia account. We will endeavour to keep it as close to your current interest payment date as possible. If this date doesn’t fall on a Business Day it will be paid on the next available Business Day.
Business Day is usually Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.
This account transfer does not affect your Child Trust Fund allowance. You can save up to £9,000 during each birthday year.
A birthday year is the 12 month period from the day of your birthday each year, to the day before your birthday the following year.
If you have not used your full allowance of £9,000, for your current birthday year, you can continue to pay into your Child Trust Fund.
A birthday year is the 12 month period from the day of your birthday each year, to the day before your birthday the following year.
Withdrawals and closure are not allowed until the account matures on the child’s 18th birthday.
The only exceptions to this are:
Closures can only be made:
You can transfer the account to a provider of a Child Trust Fund or a Junior ISA, as long as that provider agrees to the transfer. If they agree to the transfer, we will make the transfer on your written instructions and within the time limit specified by you (subject to a minimum period of 30 days). Account transfers are free of charge.
The account will mature on the child’s 18th birthday when it is automatically transferred into a Co-operative Bank Matured Child Trust Fund. We will write to you before maturity to confirm the options available at the time.
No, deposits are not allowed into this account.
Yes, you can withdraw your funds whenever you want.
However, the withdrawal(s) must be for the full amount. Although partial withdrawals are not permitted, multiple transactions are allowed on the same day. After which the account will be closed.
You can request a transfer of the funds into an ISA, either with us or with another provider. So you don’t lose the tax-free status that applied to the Child Trust Fund account, the funds would be transferred as if they were previous years’ ISA allowances. This will allow you the full current year’s ISA allowance amount of £20,000. If you choose to transfer to another provider, you will need to contact them to request the transfer.
As the Matured Child Trust Fund is not a flexible Cash ISA, any withdrawn money that you want to replace in an ISA will count towards your ISA subscriptions for the current tax year, and you are only allowed to deposit up to the maximum ISA limit in a tax year.
Please note: the ‘Co-operative Bank savings general terms and conditions’ will apply in place of the ‘General terms and conditions for your Britannia savings account’. These terms apply to all our Co-operative Bank savings accounts and reflect the improvements to the ways you can manage your savings with us.
AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and shows what the interest rate would be if interest were paid and added to your account each year.
Fixed interest means the rate stays the same until the account matures.
Gross is the rate of interest payable before any tax is taken off.
Tax-free means you will not pay any tax on your interest.
Tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April.
Variable interest means that it could go up or down.
Business day is usually Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.
Please note: any reference to tax is based on our understanding of current tax regulations which may change in the future and depend on the customer's individual financial circumstances.
The Co-operative Bank reserves the right to decline to accept any application and/or deposit.
Your eligible deposits held by a UK establishment of The Co-operative Bank plc are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK's deposit guarantee scheme. This limit is applied to the total of any deposits you have with The Co-operative Bank and smile. Any total deposits you hold above the limit between these brands are unlikely to be covered.
Please read further information on the FSCS scheme here or visit their website.
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