On this page you can check the status of our services for personal banking and business banking.
We’ll always work hard to make sure you have the most up-to-date information on how our services are running. We'll let you know when to expect planned maintenance and keep you informed during unexpected outages, to cause the least disruption to your day as possible.
This page was most recently updated on 30/12/2024 at 4.00pm.
Visit our personal banking homepage
If you're experiencing an unknown issue with accessing one of our services and have not received any communication from us as to why, you can:
Need to let us know about an outage? Report an issue
This service is working.
Using online banking
This service is working.
Using our mobile app
This service is working.
Last week we answered calls in an average of 4 minutes and 49 seconds.
This service is working.
Find a branch
Visit our business banking homepage
If you're experiencing an issue with accessing one of our services and have not received any communication from us as to why, you can:
Need to let us know about an outage? Report an issue.
This service is working.
Using business online banking
This service is working.
Last week we answered calls in an average of 5 minutes and 13 seconds
Registering and using telephone banking
This service is working.
Using our business banking app
This service is working.
Support with our help app
This service is working.
Using Financial Director
This service is working.
Find a branch
If you’re experiencing a problem with one of our services, or have noticed an issue that’s affecting your experience, please send us a message on Facebook or Twitter.
Not on social media?
For personal banking call us on 03457 212 212. Lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm, Saturday and Sunday (call charges apply).
For business banking call us on 03457 213 213. Lines are open 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and 9am to 12pm on Saturday (call charges apply).
To give you the best customer experience possible, we sometimes need to carry out work on our systems to make improvements. As well as keeping all of our services safe and secure. During these periods we try to minimise the impact on our customers by:
If any of our services become suddenly unavailable, we’d like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. This can happen for a number of technical reasons, but rest assured we always work hard to get any issues resolved as quickly as possible.
For more help and support options, visit our personal banking help centre or business banking help centre.
Not found what you're looking for?
Contact our support team