Take Five is a national campaign run by UK Finance that offers straightforward and impartial advice to help everyone protect themselves from fraud.
The Take Five Week theme for 2024 is asking how ScamSceptible you are.
Scammers can try to take advantage of how you're feeling. Sometimes you might be more susceptible to their tactics and less likely to TakeFive to Stop, Challenge and Protect. For example, tiredness, stress and even the time of day can all play a role.
Try Take Five's tool to test how susceptible you could be to a scam today.
A genuine bank or organisation will never contact you out of the blue to ask for your PIN, full password or to move money to another account. Only give out your personal or financial details to use a service that you have given your consent to, that you trust and that you are expecting to be contacted by. Before you share anything with anyone, stop. Then pause to consider what you're being asked for and question why they need it. Unless you're 100% sure who you're talking to, don't disclose any personal or financial details.
Even if someone seems to know your basic details, it doesn't mean they're genuine. In an attempt to gain your trust, fraudsters may claim you've been a victim of fraud. They often do this to get you talking, then try and persuade you into giving them your security details.
No genuine bank or trusted organisation will, under any circumstances, force you to make a financial transaction on the spot. Neither would they ask you to transfer money into another account for reasons relating to fraud. If you're asked to do this, then stop and consider what they are asking you.
Does a situation feel wrong or strange? If so, it's usually right to question it. Fraudsters will try to manipulate you: they'll try and lull you into a false sense of security when out and about, or rely on your defences being down when you're at home. They'll try to appear trustworthy, but they may not be what they appear.
Be confident. It's always okay to stop a conversation. You can always refuse unusual requests for personal or financial information.
For more information, visit takefive-stopfraud.org.uk
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