If you held a Britannia Fixed Rate Bond, your account was transferred to a Co-operative Bank Fixed Term Deposit. You should have received notification of the change and details of your new account in the post.
You'll find information below on your options for when your account matures.
To apply online you'll need the sort code and account number for your Co-operative Bank Fixed Term Deposit. You'll find this in online banking, the mobile banking app, or in your welcome letter.
To apply by post you can return the Britannia Maturity Options Form received in your maturity pack. Just quote your Britannia account number. We'll reinvest your funds in the equivalent Co-operative Bank Maturity Fixed Term Deposit.
If you’ve already got a Fixed Term Deposit with us that’s about to mature, you might be thinking about what to do with your funds.
If you’re wanting to reinvest all or just some of it, one of our Maturity Fixed Term Deposits could be an option for you, with interest rates of up to 4.59% gross / AER (annually).
We’ll offer an interest rate guarantee if you decide to take out a Maturity Fixed Term Deposit with us. This means that if our rates increase or decrease between the date we send out your maturity pack and the date your original Fixed Term Deposit matures, we'll give you the better rate — as long as we receive your reinvestment intentions before the maturity date.
Please note, if the interest rate on this page is different to the one in your maturity pack, you’ll automatically receive the higher rate if you decide to apply.
If you already have a Fixed Term Deposit with us, we'll post you a maturity pack about 4 weeks before its maturity date. In this pack, you’ll find:
Reinvest all of your funds in a new Maturity Fixed Term Deposit account.
With this option:
Reinvest some of your funds in a new Maturity Fixed Term Deposit account.
With this option:
If you decide not to reinvest, you can also choose to withdraw your funds.
If you’d like to close your account and have the funds sent to another bank account, you’ll need to wait until your maturity date. If this date doesn’t fall on a business day, your funds will be available on the next business day.
You can do this:
If visiting us in branch, please bring identification with you.
If you do nothing, your account will automatically mature into a variable rate, instant access Smart Saver account.
Choose a 1, 2, or 3 year Maturity Fixed Term Deposit, with a fixed interest rate that won’t change during your chosen term
Choose to receive your interest annually or monthly, paid into the same account or another account of your choice
Open it as a sole or joint account
Deposit a minimum of £1,000 and a maximum of £1,000,000.
You cannot make withdrawals until maturity, so you'll need to ensure that you will not require access to your savings during your chosen term
On maturity, your money will be transferred to a variable rate, instant access Smart Saver account.
The Co-operative Bank reserves the right to decline or accept any application or deposit.
The account summary information is displayed in the summary box below — you must read it before applying. You can also download this information in a PDF format.
Maturity Fixed Term Deposit terms, conditions and summary box (PDF)
Co-operative Bank Maturity Fixed Term Deposit
1 Year Maturity Fixed Term Deposit
4.59% gross/AER for interest paid annually
4.56% gross for interest paid monthly
4.65% AER for interest paid monthly
2 Year Maturity Fixed Term Deposit
3.93% gross/AER for interest paid annually
3.90% gross for interest paid monthly
3.97% AER for interest paid monthly
3 Year Maturity Fixed Term Deposit
3.90% gross/AER for interest paid annually
3.87% gross for interest paid monthly
3.94% AER for interest paid monthly
Interest is calculated daily. It can either be paid to you annually or monthly. Once you've chosen this you can't change your mind during the term.
Annual interest
If you choose annual interest, you'll receive it on the first business day after each anniversary of the account opening date. Annual interest can either be paid into this account or another account of your choice — either with us or another provider.
Monthly interest
If you choose monthly interest, you’ll receive it on the monthly anniversary of the account opening date. If this date doesn't fall on a business day, it will be paid on the next business day. Monthly interest will be paid into another account of your choice — either with us or another provider.
No — the interest rate on your account is fixed and will not change during the 1, 2, or 3 year term.
Balance at end of fixed term
£1,045.90 would be the balance after a 1 year fixed term
£1,080.14 would be the balance after a 2 year fixed term
£1,121.62 would be the balance after a 3 year fixed term
We've worked this out assuming:
To apply, you must be:
You can re-invest in this account by:
The minimum opening balance is £1,000.
The maximum balance is £1,000,000.
You can pay your initial deposit into this account by reinvesting funds from a Co-operative Bank Fixed Term Deposit account on maturity when it reaches the end of its existing term. If you would like to add additional money to the account at the time of re-investment, you can do this with cash, cheque or by transfer from another account held with us or another provider.
Further deposits and withdrawals are not permitted during the term of this account.
You can contact us, and manage your account:
No — you can't make withdrawals from this account until maturity, so you should consider whether the amount you want to deposit leaves you with adequate emergency funds.
When the account matures your money will be transferred to a variable rate instant access account unless you have provided us with your maturity instructions. We'll send you a letter before your maturity, to remind you of your maturity date and to let you know what options are available to you, when considering what you'd like to do with your money.
On maturity, you can access your money in branch, over the phone, by post, through online banking, and through our mobile app.
If you’re eligible for a Co-operative Bank Maturity Fixed Term Deposit, you can apply online, by post, or by visiting us in branch.
It will take around 10 minutes to complete this application.
If you are applying to reinvest by post, you do not need to fill in this online form. Please note that both parties can withdraw funds and make transactions on this account.
If you'd prefer to apply by post, you can fill in and send us the postal form you received in your maturity pack.
If you want to put away money regularly, have instant access to your savings, or earn tax-free interest on the money you save, check out some of our other types of savings accounts.
AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and shows what the interest rate would be if interest were paid and added to your account each year.
Business day is usually Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.
Calendar month means from midnight on the first day of a month to 11.59:59pm on the last day of the month.
Fixed interest means the rate stays the same until the account matures.
Gross is the rate of interest payable before any tax is taken off.
Tax-free means you will not pay any tax on your interest.
Tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April.
Variable interest means that it could go up or down.
Please note: any reference to tax is based on our understanding of current tax regulations which may change in the future and depend on the customer's individual financial circumstances.
The Co-operative Bank reserves the right to decline or accept any application and/or deposit.
Your eligible deposits held by a UK establishment of The Co-operative Bank plc are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, the UK's deposit guarantee scheme. This limit is applied to the total of any deposits you have with The Co-operative Bank and smile. Any total deposits you hold above the limit between these brands are unlikely to be covered.
Please read further information on the FSCS scheme here or visit their website.
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