There are many ways in which you can pay in to your account, but it’s important to pay in cleared funds i.e. not a cheque as this will take two Business Days to clear and credit your account, once we receive the cheque.
Remember, you must pay in money by the cut off time stated in the text message.
The quickest way to pay money in is to transfer money from another account as in most circumstances this will be sent via the faster payments service and should normally reach your account immediately. If the money is transferred internally i.e. from another Co-operative Bank or smile account then this will credit your account immediately.
If you are paying in cash, you can visit one of our branches or you can pay in via a Post Office. Remember, if you are paying in cash you have until 4:30pm. Any money paid in after that point may not credit your account until the next Business Day.
If you have followed the instructions on the text alert to credit the account by the time specified, you do not need to do anything else, so there is no need to contact us. Please note that any subsequent transactions will need sufficient funds to be available or you may enter into your overdraft again.
For more information, take a look at the many ways you can bank with us.
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