Credit ratings

We'll always provide you with our most up-to-date credit ratings, scored by the agencies that set industry standards.

Ownership structure

Company Number 10865342 (England and Wales)

Public limited parent company (resolution entity), and the issuer of unlisted A shares and B shares. Issuing entity for all regulatory capital and MREL qualifying debt.

Company Number 11598074 (England and Wales)

Intermediate parent company wholly owned by The Co-operative Bank Holdings plc. Owns 100% of The Co-operative Bank p.l.c. Previous issuance entity for regulatory capital and MREL qualifying debt prior to notice of Issuer Substitution on 6 November 2023 at which point The Co-operative Bank Holdings plc replaced The Co-operative Bank Finance p.l.c as the principal debtor and issuer of the group’s existing capital and MREL qualifying debt.

Company Number 00990937 (England and Wales)

Operating company wholly owned by The Co-operative Bank Finance p.l.c. Originator of assets used for any covered bond or RMBS funding.

Rating information

As a Bank, we have a contractual relationship with two agencies, Moody's Investors Service and Fitch Ratings, for the provision of rating information. Moody's and Fitch evaluate our ability to meet our obligations for the timely payment of financial commitments. At least once a year, our financial results and future business plans are shared with these agencies by members of our management team, and it's this information that helps the agencies to choose an overall rating for the Bank, and Issuerco (Moody's only).

Current ratings for The Co-operative Bank plc:

Ratings Fitch Moody's
Long Term BBB+ (Rating Watch Negative) A3 (Rating Stable)
Short Term F1 P-2

Current ratings for The Co-operative Bank Holdings plc:

Ratings Fitch Moody's
Long term Baa2
Short term P-2

Fitch and Moody's latest reports

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