Submit a responsible security disclosure

Help us ensure a safe and secure online community

Responsible security disclosures cover security issues you believe may impact confidentiality, integrity or availability of The Co-operative Bank's systems or data.

We want to hear from you if you believe you have discovered a vulnerability on any of The Co-operative Bank's sites:


What to include

We want to investigate any responsible disclosure as soon as possible. To help us do this, when you submit a report please:

  • give us as much detail as possible and cite any sources or references
  • include all steps required to exploit the vulnerability
  • don't break any laws
  • don't put any customer or The Co-operative Bank data at risk.

Please don't use this reporting system for any other purpose. Any submission unrelated to a responsible security disclosure will not receive a response.


Any information you gather should be kept confidential and only be used within your responsible security disclosure.

If you need to share information which you believe is confidential or sensitive in nature, please email to discuss options.

The Co-operative Bank does not offer financial incentive for any responsible security disclosure, with the expectation that all disclosures are made in good faith.

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