The text message may include one or more of the following messages:
If the message is telling you there isn’t enough money for payments due that day:
It’s likely these payments will be unpaid. You will be sent a letter if we have been unable to pay any of your scheduled payments such as direct debits, standing orders or future dated bill payments.
If the message is telling you that you may enter into an unarranged overdraft due to payments leaving your account that day:
It’s likely you will be charged interest on the unarranged overdraft balance. You will be notified of these charges in your next statement. It’s also possible that some of your payments may not be paid. You will be sent a letter if we have been unable to pay any of your scheduled payments such as direct debits, standing orders or future dated bill payments.
If the message is telling you that you have already entered into an unarranged overdraft:
You will be charged interest on the unarranged overdraft balance and you will be notified of these charges in your next statement.
If the message is telling you that you may enter or have entered into an arranged overdraft:
This means your balance has gone or is about to go below zero but you have an arranged overdraft. An arranged overdraft is a set amount you have agreed with us in advance. There are no charges for an arranged overdraft but you may pay interest. If you have a Current Account plus, Privilege or Privilege Premier account and your overdrawn balance is within the interest free overdraft limit, there will be no debit interest charges.
This is to make you aware that you could make a payment in to avoid or minimise arranged overdraft debit interest. Please note that any subsequent transactions will need sufficient funds to be available or you may enter into your overdraft again.
For more information on account charges, please read your account charges leaflet.
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