When you make a payment, make sure you have the correct account details for the person or business you're paying.
You'll need their:
If you're making a payment to an account that was recently switched from one bank to another, you'll need to make sure you have the most up-to-date details for the payee's new account. If you try to make a payment to their old account, the payment will not go through until you update the payee details with the new account information.
When you're expecting a payment from a person or business, make sure they have your correct account details. This helps avoid any delays in you receiving your money, as someone might not send you a payment if the name they have for you does not match the one on your account.
Make sure they have your:
However, if for example your company is called 'Joe Bloggs T/A Bloggs Cleaners' and the sender uses 'Joe Bloggs' or 'Bloggs Cleaners', this would be considered a match.
For registered charities, if the 'RC' and full registered charity number are not entered, this will be considered a close match. For example, if your charity is called 'Jones Trust Limited R/C 123456' and only 'Jones Trust Limited' is entered, this will be considered a close match.
When making or receiving a payment, remember:
When you're setting up a new payee through Business Online Banking or Business Banking App, the Confirmation of Payee service will check that the name of the person or business you're paying matches the name registered to the sort code and account number.
Depending on the outcome of the Confirmation of Payee check, you’ll usually see one of these results on the screen:
The account matches the payee's name. You will need to verify your identity using your HID Approve app or physical plastic security token to confirm the new payee.
The account name is close to the payee's name. You'll be shown the name on the account you're paying to help you decide whether it's the right person.
Double check the details before making any payments and only continue if you're sure they're correct. Otherwise your money could be sent to the wrong person.
The account name does not match the payee’s name you’ve entered. Double check the details before making any payments and only continue if you're sure they're correct. Otherwise your money could be sent to the wrong person.
The payment reference does not match the reference required by the payee. Double check the details before making any payments and only continue if you’re sure they’re correct. Otherwise your money could be sent to the wrong person.
Sometimes we will not be able to check the name on the account you're making a payment to. This does not always mean that something's wrong. It could be that the payee's bank does not use the Confirmation of Payee service.
You can still make the payment, but double check the details and only continue if you're sure they're correct. Otherwise your money could be sent to the wrong person.
The Confirmation of Payee service will also check the account details if you add or change a reference when paying an existing payee.
If the result is a close match (for example, if the account name matches but the account type does not), you will be given the option to continue with the payment or cancel. If you choose to continue, we will update the details for that payment only. You should check and update the payee’s details in Business Online Banking to avoid another Confirmation of Payee check when you next pay them.
If the result is not a close match, you will be given the option to update the payee’s details in Business Online Banking and start the payment again, or cancel.
Confirmation of Payee can help protect you from certain types of scams by making sure the person you're sending money to is actually who they say they are.
'Authorised push payment' scams can happen when you're tricked into authorising a payment to an account that you believe belongs to a legitimate payee - but is in fact controlled by a scammer.
If you think you've made a payment to the wrong account or if you suspect someone is trying to scam you, please call 159 straight away from a different device to the one the suspected scammer has contacted you on.
If you suspect you've been a victim of fraud, you can also get in touch with us on 03457 213 213.
Learn more about fraud and ways to protect your business on the common fraud threats page.
To help keep your money safe, be alert when:
If you're making a payment to an account that was recently switched from one bank to another, you'll need to make sure you have the most up-to-date details for the payee's new account. If you try to make a payment to their old account, the payment will not go through until you update the payee details with the new account information.