Switch your business accounts

Switching your business bank account is simple with the free Current Account Switch Service. You can switch your account to us quickly, easily and securely.

Part of the Current Account Switch Guarantee

The Current Account Switch Service makes switching simple and universal.

Current Account Switch Guarantee logo

Why switch to us?

  • £0 monthly fee accounts available

    We offer a range of free and paid for accounts tailored to businesses of all sizes. Explore your options

  • Digital and in-person banking

    You can use our online banking and mobile app for daily banking or visit your local Co-operative Bank and Post Office.

  • Specialist business advisors

    Free access to UK-based business advisers on the phone and on The Co-operative Bank Business Help app.

  • Earn interest on your savings

    Our range of savings accounts offer competitive rates.

What's included in a full switch?

Available for small businesses, charities and trusts with less than 50 employees and an annual turnover of less than £6.5m.

We will:

  • transfer any money in your old business bank account to your new one within seven business days or on your preferred switch date

  • transfer all your regular incoming and outgoing payments (including any Direct Debits, standing orders, bills, benefits and your salary, as well as payee details) to your new account

  • close your account

  • redirect any payments sent to your old account to your new one for at least three years

  • contact you before your switch date if there are any issues with making the switch

  • refund any interest or charges you incur on your old or new account as a result of a delay caused by us.

Key information to read before switching

You can apply for a partial switch if you do not qualify for a full switch, if you'd prefer not to transfer all your payments over, or if you don’t want to close your old account. The partial switch is not backed by the Current Account Switch Guarantee.

We will:

  • ask your old bank for a list of outgoing payments for the account you’re partially switching from
  • ask you which outgoing payments you’d like to move to your new account with us
  • leave your old account open
  • leave your credit balance in your old account.

Please note:

  • we will not be able to switch any one-off, future-dated payments
  • you’ll need to arrange for any incoming payments such as your salary to be transferred to your new account
  • the partial switch could take longer than seven business days if you choose a switch date further in advance
  • the partial switch is not covered by the Current Account Switch Guarantee.


If you require an overdraft as part of your switch, you will need to have this in place before you proceed with your switch, as approval for the overdraft is based on a credit check and assessment of your business circumstances.

If your account is overdrawn

You can still switch your account if you’re overdrawn. You will need to pay off any overdrawn balance, including any fees or charges on your old account. You can do this by using available funds, or if you have applied and been accepted, an overdraft with ourselves. Debit balances are not transferred.

You may have chosen to give third party providers (TTPs) access to your financial data or the ability to make payments on your behalf. TTPs include financial comparison websites, money management apps and payment services.

These will not be automatically transferred by the Current Account Switch Service when you switch your account to us.

If you would like to continue using TTP authorisations from your new account, you should:

  • make a note of any TPP authorisations you have set up and the details of who they are with before switching
  • re-authorise these TPP services to access your new account by contacting them directly once your account is open.

Please note: We only allow access to TPPs that are authorised by law to provide their services, so there's a chance that your current TPP may not be supported to access Co-operative Bank accounts. Our terms and conditions provide more information about TPPs.

Receiving payments

New payments

After your account has switched, people may be prevented from using your old details to set up a new payment to you. They will need to use your new Co-operative Bank account number and sort code.

This means that you’ll need to share your new account details with anyone who is intending to set up a new payment after your old account has been closed.

Existing payments

Anyone who already has payments set up to your old account can continue to use your old account details. The funds will be transferred to your new Co-operative Bank account as part of the switching process.

Find out more on our Confirmation of Payee page.

Steps to switching

The Current Account Switch Service makes switching simple, smooth and universal. Your incoming and outgoing payments will be transferred automatically, and if you do a full switch, you’ll be covered by the Current Account Switch Guarantee, as shown in the switching guide (PDF).

The service is free to use and you can choose and agree your switch date with us. Once the switch has started, it takes just seven business days to complete.

You can check if your old bank or building society is signed up on the Current Account Switch Service website.

Current Account Switch Guarantee logo

What happens during a full switch?

Day 1 to 2

The Current Account Switch Service will check if the switch can go ahead.

Day 3 to 5

We’ll move all your regular payments to your new account.

Day 6 to 7

We’ll transfer your bank account balance, your old account will be closed and we’ll let you know that the switch is complete.

How does the switch work?

Watch the Current Account Switch Guarantee’s video to find out about the simple steps to switching.

Apply to switch

You can apply to switch your business bank account to us as part of your current account application or apply to switch once your account is open.

New to The Co-operative Bank?

If you do not yet have a current account with us, you can apply for our business current accounts and switch as part of the application.

You can also switch once your account is open using our switch form.

Already have a business account with us?

If you have already set up a Co-operative Bank business current account, you can request to switch by completing the switch form.

What you’ll need

Your Co-operative Bank sort code and account number

Your old sort code and account number for the account you’re switching from

Your old debit card details for the account you’re switching from

Make sure you give us all of these details or the switch may fail and you’ll need to phone us to complete your switch instead.

To continue, confirm that you:

Please tick to confirm you have an open Co-operative Bank business account with your sort code and account number, have kept open the bank account you are switching from and you don't have a switch to The Co-operative Bank that's still in progress.

You'll now be able to open our full switch form which you can complete and send back to us.

Complete our full switch form (PDF)

Alternatively, you can apply for a partial switch.

Returning your form

You can return your form either by: