How do I make payments at the Post Office®?

Business customers of The Co-operative Bank can do the following at a Post Office®:

  • pay in cash using your debit card up to £10,000 per day
  • pay in cheques
  • withdraw cash
  • request change over the counter.

If you will need to pay in more than £20,000 cash or coin in excess of 10 bulk coin bags on a regular weekly basis, you’ll need to let us know so that we can register which Post Office® branch you’ll want to use. Please call Business Account Support to arrange this, on +44(0)3457 213 213 lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 12pm. Call charges apply

Please be aware that some Post Office® branches will only accept £4,000 per transaction for security reasons. If you wish to use the exchange of notes for change service, then we would recommend you contact us so you can be set up with an appropriate Post Office® to guarantee your change being available.

The Post Office® reserves the right to decline loose coin deposits that are not bagged up as full denominations.

Find out more with our Post Office® guide.